March 18, 2025 Timed/Online Only - Firearms Auction 03/05/2025 9:00 AM EST - 03/18/2025 8:19 PM EDT View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsManufacturerModelActionCaliber/GaugeBarrel Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 51-100 of 240. Previous|12345|Next Image Lot # Item Title Quantity Time Left Your Bids 51 Winchester 12 Slide Shotgun 20ga Current Bid:$60 Bidding history(7 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 52 CZ 527M Bolt Rifle 7.62 x 39mm Estimates$500 - $750Current Bid:$425 Bidding history(7 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 53 Fabarm LION H368 Semi Shotgun 12ga Estimates$300 - $500Current Bid:$90 Bidding history(7 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 54 ZABALA Hermanos O/U Shotgun 12 GA Estimates$250 - $350Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 55 CZ 452-2E Zkm Bolt Rifle .22 lr Estimates$250 - $350Current Bid:$25 Bidding history(6 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 56 SARASQUETA, Felix Left Hand O/U Shotgun 12 GA Estimates$250 - $350Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 57 CYA Phantom O/U Shotgun 12ga Estimates$300 - $450Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 58 Fabarm Ellegi Semi Shotgun 12ga Estimates$200 - $300Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 59 Stevens-Savage Arms Model 58 Bolt Shotgun 12ga Estimates$125 - $225Current Bid:$35 Bidding history(5 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 60 Midland Gun Company Boxlock Side by Side 16ga Current Bid:$10 Bidding history(3 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 61 Charles Lancaster Boxlock Shotgun 16ga Estimates$450 - $550Current Bid:$50 Bidding history(4 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 62 ARMY & NAVY Boxlock Shotgun 16ga Estimates$350 - $450Current Bid:$60 Bidding history(9 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 63 FN Boxlock Shotgun 16ga Estimates$350 - $550Current Bid:$100 Bidding history(7 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 64 Ruger 10 22 Semi Rifle .22 lr Estimates$200 - $300Current Bid:$70 Bidding history(10 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 65 SUPREME O/U Shotgun 12ga Estimates$350 - $450Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 66 ROTTWEIL SuperSport Shotgun 12ga Estimates$450 - $650Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 67 BRNO Mod 2 Bolt Rifle .22LR Estimates$150 - $250Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 68 Belgian Boxlock Non Ejector Side by Side 12ga Current Bid:$10 Bidding history(3 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 69 Spanish SIDELOCK EJECTOR Side by Side 12ga Current Bid:$35 Bidding history(4 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 70 BRNO Mod 2 Bolt Rifle .22 lr Estimates$250 - $350Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 71 Aguirre And Aranzabel (AyA) Boxlock Ejector Side by Side 12ga Current Bid:$10 Bidding history(3 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 72 Belgian Boxlock Non-Ejector Side by Side 12ga Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 73 Aguirre And Aranzabel (AyA) No.4 Side by Side 12ga Current Bid:$10 Bidding history(3 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 74 E. Contento O/U O/U Shotgun 12ga Estimates$300 - $500Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 75 E Anson & Co SxS Shotgun 12ga Estimates$450 - $650Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 76 Anschutz 525 Semi Rifle .22LR Estimates$200 - $250Current Bid:$30 Bidding history(4 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 77 Bernadelli Merlin SxS Shotgun 12ga Estimates$350 - $550Current Bid:$60 Bidding history(4 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 78 Belgium Hammer Gun SxS Shotgun 16 GA Estimates$350 - $450Current Bid:$160 Bidding history(8 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 79 T.& H. King Hammer Gun Shotgun 12ga Estimates$300 - $500Current Bid:$120 Bidding history(10 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 80 MANUFRANCE Robust Shotgun 12ga Estimates$300 - $500Current Bid:$60 Bidding history(4 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 81 Ceska Zbrojovka (CZ) 452-2EZKM Bolt Action .22 lr Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 82 Parker Hale Bolt Rifle .243 win Estimates$300 - $450Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 83 BELGIAN Hammer Shotgun 410 Estimates$200 - $300Current Bid:$40 Bidding history(9 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 84 Anschutz 54 Match Bolt Rifle .22 lr Estimates$450 - $650Current Bid:$600 Bidding history(15 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 85 Belgian Boxlock Shotgun 12ga Estimates$150 - $250Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 86 Ruger 10 22 Semi Rifle .22 cal Estimates$150 - $250Current Bid:$60 Bidding history(6 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 87 BRNO 591 Semi Rifle .22LR Estimates$100 - $200Current Bid:$5 Bidding history(2 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 88 Krico Sporter Bolt Action 6.5x55 Estimates$650 - $850Current Bid:$275 Bidding history(5 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 89 CVA Percussion Rifle .50 cal Current Bid:$10 Bidding history(3 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 90 Italian Kentuckian Percussion Rifle .45 cal Current Bid:$50 Bidding history(5 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 91 CVA Double Hammer SxS Shotgun 12ga Current Bid:$120 Bidding history(12 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 92 Felix Sarasqueta O/U Shotgun 12ga Estimates$300 - $450Current Bid:$50 Bidding history(11 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 93 ANGELO ZOLI O/U Shotgun 12 GA Estimates$300 - $500Current Bid:$50 Bidding history(11 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 94 Tula Arsenal 1891/30 Bolt Rifle 7.62x54 R Estimates$350 - $550Current Bid:$10 Bidding history(3 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 95 Remington Rangemaster 37 Bolt Action .22 lr Estimates$350 - $550Current Bid:$20 Bidding history(5 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 96 FABARM O/U Shotgun 12 GA Estimates$300 - $400Current Bid:$70 Bidding history(4 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 97 Iver Johnson Champion Sgl Shotgun 12ga Current Bid:$1 Bidding history(1 bid) Login to bidLogin to buy! 98 Eastern Arms Co. Single Barrel Shotgun 12ga Current Bid:$1 Bidding history(1 bid) Login to bidLogin to buy! 99 Rizzini Sideplate Shotgun 12 GA Estimates$300 - $450Current Bid:$25 Bidding history(6 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! 100 Anschutz 525 Semi Rifle .22LR Estimates$250 - $350Current Bid:$60 Bidding history(4 bids) Login to bidLogin to buy! Items per page 102550100 Previous|12345|Next Previous 12345 Next